about the author
Rachel possesses a Master of Arts in Education and a Bachelor of Science degree in Religion. She spent nearly a decade teaching Reading, Creative Writing & Language Arts in the Public Education system before beginning her journey as an author and graphic designer @thevintageandwhimsyco.
The Kelton Society (originally titled SACRED) was the very first book I ever wrote. The inspiration came from a long and very detailed dream which remains to this day the book's ending.
I can honestly say this manuscript has been a labor of love and a passion project since I first penned it back in 2009. It took me only three months to complete the first draft of the novel, and I was so excited when I received my official copyright certificate six months later!
I began the editing phase of the book's journey right away and started sending query letters to agents and publishing houses a few months later. While I received a few requests for "fulls," I never landed an official book deal that I could live with.
Over the years I've taken this manuscript out and revised, changed, and altered nearly everything about the location and the setting--but the original characters and storyline remained unchanged. There have been at least ten full rewrites of this book over the past sixteen years, and I've almost tossed it a thousand times.
But for some reason, I just couldn't let it go.
Since my goal is to see this series eventually scripted for television, I've decided to self-publish, in the hopes that it will make the process of pitching it to a streaming service or network a little less complicated (that's what I tell myself every time I question my sanity for editing the same book for sixteen years!)
I have an outline for four more books in the series, the second of which was actually written right after the first one was finished in early 2010. Each of the books centers on a different MC, but the characters from each book show up throughout since their fates are all deliciously intertwined.
I hope you come to love the mysterious little world of Silverthorne as much as I have and invite you to leave a review on Goodreads if you enjoyed it.