In a world altered by the Atomic War, the fabric of the old British aristocracy has unraveled. When the men went off to fight, the women and children were herded into walled cities for protection, but now the walls of the fortress feel like a prison.

Artificial intelligence has destroyed modern civilization, giving rise to a tyrannical One World Order. Weapons are illegal, and advanced technology is forbidden. All that remains of the former European civilization has been salvaged from the rubble.

On the continent of New Britannia, the walled city of Silverthorne stands as a fortress, an ominous landmark in the middle of a notoriously haunted forest. Eighteen-year-old Laney Blàr is entering her second year at the prestigious University of Silverthorne when she finds herself unwittingly drawn into a secret society that will change her life in ways she never could have imagined—even in her worst nightmares.

Enter the Abercrombie brothers, four irresistibly attractive males who have recently taken up residence in the infamously haunted castle known as Murder Manor. With a few secrets of their own, Edan and his brothers are determined to uncover the truth behind the murder and mayhem, leading to a shocking discovery that will forever bind their fates to the enigmatic Laney Blàr.

The Kelton Society